
Susan is a wonderful teacher, and I can safely say that I wouldn’t have reached vocational ballet training without her support! I trained with Sue for three years and feel I owe much of my ballet success to the time she spent working with me. I can highly recommend her, particularly for students looking to attend vocational school in the future, or those who are already at that level and looking for extra training. (She taught me at both of those stages, in classes including pointe and repertoire). She has an incredible eye for detail, is imaginative in her teaching (many great metaphors) and is very encouraging – but also pushes you. You will walk away from a class improved no doubt – but also with a greater appreciation for the finer details that finesse technique – she taught me that at its roots, ballet is still about the placement of your head and neck, the carriage of your arms – the little things that can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. Though I no longer dance professionally, I carry inspiration from her still to this day.

Erin Sheffield

During my time at Elmhurst Ballet School, I was extremely fortunate enough to have been taught by Sue Lucas, and it was an absolute pleasure. Miss Lucas is a wonderful teacher – without her support, guidance and coaching I would not have been successful in gaining my place at The Royal Ballet School. I feel very lucky to have been taught by Miss Lucas and to have had the opportunity to grow as a dancer and individual due to her support in and outside of the studio. Her attentive eye to detail, encouragement and inspirational words allowed me to improve technically, but also gave me the opportunity to complete movement with finesse. Although I no longer dance professionally, I would highly recommend Miss Lucas to any student looking to progress with their classical technique, whether working at a vocational level or not. I am extremely grateful to have been taught by Miss Lucas, and carry inspiration from her with me to this day.

Bee Green

Susan Lucas is a fabulous teacher with so much attention to detail. I only had the pleasure of having Miss Lucas for a few years but she always supported my technique and potential and without her help I wouldn’t have successfully started my career at The Birmingham Royal Ballet.

Brogan Mckelvey

Miss Lucas taught me in 2015/2016 whilst I was training at Elmhurst Ballet School. I was very lucky to have her knowledge and skill shared with me through her teaching. Her passion for Classical Ballet and Cecchetti Ballet was very inspiring. Her career with BRB meant we got to experience a wide range of repertoire, taught with great attention to detail!

Siri Haggerty

Working with Sue has been fantastic so far, she is knowledgeable and great at tailoring any classes to my personal needs. I am being exposed to new and challenging combinations and steps, and am especially enjoying learning some Cecchetti work as it is bringing a focus to my strength and artistry. Sue is always encouraging and supportive which is helping me find the approach to training that works best for me and my dancing. While training with Sue I have rediscovered my love for ballet and been shown that making progress in a nurturing environment is more than possible. I am so happy to be working with such a great teacher!

Sunny Bennett

I have taught by Miss Lucas when I was 6.2 at Elmhurst Ballet School. In the daily class, she taught me from the basic of ballet and small details which are so important for everything. I have been a professional ballet dancer for years, the corrections I have got from her stay in my head and still help me to improve myself. She also often take care of me: taught me the exercises to improve my problem and gave some good advice. One day, she said me “Maki, I know you are trying to think everything but let’s focus on one thing each week and they will help.” It was hard to understand in that time because I really wanted to change everything that she said as soon as possible. But recently in the similar situation, her words came up in mind and that idea helped me. She also brought me to challenge Cecchetti competition and it’s one of my amazing experience for me. Thank you so much for everything, Miss Lucas.

Maki Sezuku